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1991 City of Toronto Book Award Finalist


In this searing novel of family, grief, and memory, a Canadian Jewish family is flung back together by the loss of one of its members at the hands of a drunken driver. The bereaved must now strive to keep alive the memory of Esther Persky—sister, wife and mother.

Next of Kin, by Marianne Langner Zeitlin [Cloth]

  • Next of Kin
    Marianne Langner Zeitlin
    ISBN 0-939010-16-X (cloth)
    5½ x 8
    188 pages

  • The author brings us so completely into her characters’ lives that we cannot help but care about every occurrence.
    Publishers Weekly


    “Highly recommended for fiction collections." — Library Journal


    “Through detailed description, the author has drawn a convincing portrait of a family shaken by tragedy.”     — Quill & Quire (Canada)


     “Next of Kin grapples with important moral issues, and its arguments, counterbalanced and genuinely probing, are those best made in fiction.”          — Jewish Forward


    “Wrenching in its sorrow.” — Los Angeles Times


    “Zeitlin gives a real sense of what it meant to be a rabbi’s daughter during and after the Holocaust in Toronto. Interspersing these richly detailed reminiscences are stark police and medical reports of the accident.”       — Toronto Star


    “This is more than fiction, it is heartfelt eulogy.” — Rocky Mountain News


    “A jewel of a book published by a jewel of a press.”   Peter Solomon, WMMR-AM (Phil.)

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